

Squirrels are small to medium-sized rodents that are found in many parts of the world. They have bushy tails, sharp claws for climbing, and are known for their ability to store food in the fall to help them survive the winter.

Squirrels can be cute and entertaining to watch in their natural habitat, but they can actually become a nuisance if they decide to infest your home.

Here are some ways that squirrels can infest your home:

  1. Nesting in your attic: Squirrels are skilled climbers and can easily enter your home through small openings in your roof or walls. Once inside, they may build nests in your attic or other areas of your home where they can cause damage and leave droppings.
  2. Chewing on electrical wiring: Squirrels have strong teeth and may chew on electrical wiring in your home, which can be a serious fire hazard.
  3. Damage to insulation: Squirrels may use insulation material to build their nests, which can damage the insulation and reduce its effectiveness.



 If you have skunks in your area or on your property, it’s important to take precautions to avoid getting sprayed. Here are some tips for dealing with skunks:

1. Identify and remove attractants: Skunks are attracted to food sources like garbage, pet food, and birdseed. Make sure to store these items in secure containers or in areas that are inaccessible to skunks.

2. Secure your property: Skunks are excellent diggers, so make sure that any holes or gaps in your property’s fencing or foundation are sealed off to prevent skunks from getting in.

3. Use repellents: Skunks are deterred by certain smells, such as ammonia or predator urine. You can purchase these products at a hardware or gardening store and apply them around your property’s perimeter.

4. Be cautious: If you encounter a skunk, keep a safe distance and avoid making sudden movements or loud noises. Skunks typically only spray as a last resort when they feel threatened.

5. Contact a professional: If you have a skunk infestation that you can’t handle on your own, give us a call. We can help you safely remove the skunks from your property.


It’s illegal in most states to kill opossums. Non-harmful methods need to be used. If you are having issues with these animals, give us a call and we will help you resolve the issue.