
What are Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter ants are a type of ant that can cause damage to wood structures in homes and buildings. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood, but instead, they tunnel through it to create nests and galleries. They are attracted to moist and decaying wood, and often infest areas such as attics, crawl spaces, and wall voids.


How do I know I have Carpenter Ants?

Locate the nest: Look for sawdust or wood shavings near the infested area, as this may indicate the location of the nest. Once you have located the nest, you can target your treatment more effectively.


Why do I have Carpenter Ants?

Carpenter Ants may be present due to a variety of issues. The primary cause of carpenter ants in your home is typically from decaying wood. If you find one carpenter ant in your home it is likely that there is a colony nearby and may be found outside the home.

Are Carpenter Ants dangerous?

Carpenter ants are not dangerous to humans but can cause damage to your home.

How can I get rid of Carpenter Ants?

For simple issues use bait stations: Place ant bait stations around the infested area. Carpenter ants will take the bait back to the nest, which will eventually eliminate the entire colony.

Carpenter ants are attracted to moist wood, so eliminating sources of moisture can help prevent infestations. Fix any leaks or water damage in your home, and ensure proper ventilation in damp areas such as basements and attics.

If you have a severe infestation, or if your attempts to eliminate the ants have been unsuccessful, it may be necessary to hire a professional pest control company to handle the problem. Give us a call at Battleline Pest and we’ll be happy to help you.